Friday, January 13, 2023

what does domestic assault mean

What Does Domestic Assault Mean - Los Angeles City Council members opposed changes made to the definition of domestic violence on the US Department of Justice website.

The DOJ's Office on Violence Against Women changed the definition of domestic violence on its website in April, limiting the definition to only felonies or misdemeanor crimes. Council members Paul Koretz, Nury Martinez and Monica Rodriguez spoke against the change on February 1 and proposed a resolution to the city council to limit any administrative action against the definition.

What Does Domestic Assault Mean

What Does Domestic Assault Mean

According to an archived version of the DOJ website, domestic violence was originally defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship and was physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological acts against a partner.

Types Of Domestic Violence

The current definition on the same website is abbreviated, saying that domestic violence only includes crimes or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by current or former spouses, intimate partners or other persons.

Koretz, who represents City Council District 5, which includes UCLA, said narrowing the definition denigrates victims and removes their qualifications for recovery, according to a press release.

Alison Simard, spokeswoman for Koretz, said the district wants to ensure that victims of various types of domestic abuse who no longer fall under the new definition still receive appropriate support.

"There are people who may not have been physically hit, but who have been emotionally tortured, and we want to make sure they still get the services they need," Simard said.

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Alicia Oeser, director of UCLA's Campus Assault Education and Resource Program, said the change on the DOJ website did not change how the law defines and treats domestic violence.

"I think that's really the important distinction that we should get factually correct that it didn't change the legal status," Oeser said. "This does not affect the criminal statute used to prosecute domestic violence crimes and the president cannot change it."

Allison Korn, assistant dean for experiential education at the UCLA School of Law, said the laws surrounding domestic violence have not changed, but narrowing the definition could cause victims to think differently and discourage them from seeking help to look for it.

What Does Domestic Assault Mean

"I think the Department of Justice has said they will continue to enforce the statute, the law itself has not changed," Korn said. "What most lawyers are concerned about in this case is that by changing the definition, the Justice Department's Office on Violence Against Women can decide to only provide support -- provide grant money, training materials or resources supportive of others -- just at the same time. A narrow definition of a Victim or Survivor of Domestic Violence."

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"This new definition suggests that domestic violence only exists in the criminal scenario," Korn said. "So it has to rise to the level of criminal behavior so that women and men, anyone experiencing intimate partner violence, can get resources and support."

Allison Randall, chief of staff at the DOJ's WCO, said in an emailed statement that the office continues to follow the legal definition of domestic violence rather than the definition on its website and that funds are still appropriately allocated to domestic violence programmes.

"WLA has always used the statutory definition to achieve its mission," said Randall. "By following the statute, the department ensures that the funds provided by Congress are used in the most effective way to reduce violence and help victims of crime."

Koretz, Martinez and Rodriguez also introduced a motion last week asking the Los Angeles Police Department to report any impact on federally funded anti-domestic violence programs caused by the definition change.

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Oeser said that even if the legal definition of domestic violence does not change, the social definition could change as a result of the DOJ's actions, which could affect how domestic violence is treated in the future.

"The way we engage with each other will be based on a different set of standards and expectations for our behaviour, and the ability to say 'Well, the government didn't mean to' is almost as important as the real change," said Oeser. "But again, it's an important conversation about why there is merit to this change because of the way it affects our culture and our common society."

"We still understand relationship violence as something that encompasses many aspects of behavior that never involve physical violence and certainly don't need to be reported as crimes," Oeser said. "It is not our job to measure, judge or determine someone's experience."

What Does Domestic Assault Mean

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